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#timber News

For the first time, global law enforcers meet at UN climate talks to discuss how to turn the heat up on environmental criminals.
Whoever is elected in February must involve more of society in consultations on BRI projects to mitigate environmental risks, Indonesian analysts write.
A wood chip mountain at APP's Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) mill in South Sumatra.
Greenpeace, which helped forge the Indonesian paper giant's historic pledge in 2013, says it has not lived up to its decade-old commitment to weed deforestation out of its supply chain. APP has rejected the allegations.
Indonesian elections in 2024 are likely to raise risks for rainforests as businesses seek favours in return for campaign funds.
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#timber Opinion

Wealthy nations’ overconsumption is destroying nature, but is often not accounted for by ‘loss and damage’.
What role can technology play in Indigenous land conservation around the world?
borneo project field technicians
Indigenous communities in Sarawak have been monitoring their forests for the past year, gathering data to counter a logging company's assumptions about the value of their traditional lands.
Forests cleared along Oregon’s Coast Range in the US
Permanently protecting large, mature forests is a faster and cheaper way to stabilise Earth's climate than complex carbon capture and storage schemes, and more effective than planting new trees.
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#timber Videos

Topher White
Logging scars landscapes, destroys habitats and is a major contributor to climate change. Here's how old Android smartphones--that might otherwise end up in a landfill-- are being used to stop illegal logging and curb climate change impacts.
uts paper bag bldg
The newly opened Dr Chau Chak Wing Building at the University of Technology, Sydney boasts more than 25 sustainable design features and has been awarded a 5-Star Green Star rating by the Green Building Council of Australia.
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